Sunday, January 09, 2005

Wikipedia Contribution

Last year before I started my Ph.D. studies, i still had time to roam around the internet more often. I used to make a contribution on "Vipassana" to the web's free online Encyclopedia project called, "Wikipedia."

Since my contribution, i sort of forgot about it until I came across a "wikinews' web site in a tsunami relief web blog earlier tonight.

I went to check out my contribution and was a bit upset to see it got edited almost beyond recognition. Well, it's a good test for my mindfulness meditation and I had to try "noting" it until the disturbance is gone.

I plan to go back to help contribute more in whatever area I can. After all, in Buddhism, it's the intention that counts! And if there has been only one person benefiting from my contribution, I am happy already!

Goodnight, world. Peace to you all.

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